
Showing posts from October, 2016


Sometimes, the company that you keep catches up with you. It is amazing to me that Anthony Weiner hasn't met an untimely, but well deserved end. In an amazing act of "Look what we found!", the FBI has discover "thousands" of emails pertaining to HRC. I don't know that it will have a significant impact on things, but for all of my fellow veterans who handled classified information and know the level of control required for every item, the irony of finding a trove of potentially classified information while investigating a pedo boggles the imagination. It just validates that the company you keep eventually catches up with you.


You have to find your own momentum. Some days easy, some days soul-grinding, but you want to represent? You want to find your internal momentum? most times you have to find your own. This morning, this is where it starts Begin with the End My world is defined by what I move toward, what I'm going to accomplish next. I''m amazed by what I see when I choose to look FORWARD. That is the path, that is the future.

"beyond the niceties..." It's Get Real Time

According to one of the sages of the National Review, the unwashed masses are clueless . Buchanan writes that the “the populist-nationalist right” is “moving beyond the niceties of liberal democracy.”   Around the world, there are many, many places that lack the “niceties of liberal democracy.” You don’t want to live there. You would quickly discover that the niceties are more like necessities — a rule of law necessary to live a good, decent, and free life. I read this, and I try to be gracious. Maybe the author doesn't ever stop in one of the truck stops that span the US, or he has never gone into a feed store, or even the local mini-mart with bait and hunting licenses. I have far more in common (politically, attire, bearing, outlook) with the truckers, ranchers, tradesmen, hunters, farmers that the white table linen crowd. In my world you nod to other men when you cross paths, you allow others to hold to their own beliefs, and you know better to snipe at another man unle...

Passive-Aggressive Gets Men Dead

Other people say this with far more nicely formed phrases, but the cold reality is that if you are so deeply conflicted, or so over-estimate your intelligence, or in your limited insight fail to understand how committed others are, your mal-execution of state-craft is going to kill men. Vox expounds on the typical leftist tool who can't recognize what is right in front of his face. Unintentionally, and with the best of intentions, he has opened the doors to the demons of Hell, and the darkest forces in the human spirit have much greater scope and much more power today than they did when he took the oath of office back in 2009. Unintentionally? With the best of intentions? Is Mead talking about Obama or himself? Remember, as Mead excoriates Obama's foreign policy, that he not only voted for Obama, but voted to re-elect him. But it's not as if Obama's foreign policy was any better from 2008 to 2012 than it has been from 2012 to 2016. Vox is valid in his perspective,...


Reading this Nobel Laureate platitudes , I can't help but think, Just Say No! I was young and foolish once, but no longer. We should stop bleeding and dying to fight the wars of folks who lack the capacity to hold what we take for them. More over, let them take their own GD dirt. As for me, I'm done. I no longer believe in Nation Building. People who molest goats and boys can live or die on their own. Not my concern, not my blood, no the blood of my children's generation. No more. Call me selfish, call me wise, I care not a Silver Sh!t. Unlike some of my classmates who have already matriculated to eternity, I have faced the Reaper, and it wasn't my time. We need to stop the insanity. Bleeding, dying for people who molest livestock when there aren't enough young boys to be had is insane. I'm coarse and direct because the generation that is down-range deserves better. They see this insane sh!t every day. I believe in the old-school approach. Post a...

A Better Way .... Kill People and Break Things

Based on the well documented collapse of the US University system , one of the better (less bad) options is the "Trade School" approach. I say better, because if you end up with a globalist, police-the-world CIC, you run the risk they will get you or your classmates, or your men dead. Yes, I said Men. Like it or not, when it is time to do dangerous things, overwhelmingly, it will be the men who will bleed, be maimed, marred, or dead. Like others, before and after me, I choose to go to a Service Academy. We held up our hands, swore an oath, and gave years of our life doing sometimes dangerous things. Along the way, I got an engineering degree, and a big dose of life. We joked that it was trade school, because our "Trade" was going to far off lands and "Killing People and Breaking Things". That was before the elitists turned the military into  AWWW (Aid Workers With Weapons). As my own grandchildren grow, I'm not sure I recommend that path to them,...

Why most Veterans don't give a Sh!t about the Middle-East

We veterans continue to become a smaller minority, but I have yet to find one that feels there is a decent, much less compelling reason to send anyone else to bleed or die in the Middle-East. Cernovich pegs it, the globalists want to pick a fight. Call it cold-hearted, selfish, or just the wisdom of having followed orders, done what could be done to bring everyone back, and the abiding sense of the incompetence of our leaders. Don't ask us to start a fight if you aren't going to allow us to finish it, and don't ask us to take ground if we aren't going to occupy and keep it. The thought of picking a fight with Russia over dirt that means nothing to us is idiocy in the extreme. Just like we don't care about Trump's behavior or indiscretions, we don't care about other peoples' dirt. Most of bought into the "Greater Good" at some level when we were young and foolish, but no more. I can't say what those who are in will do, but I'll g...

The American Party

Just saw that suggested over at Vox  and I like it. Either as a new name for a dying entity, or a whole new amalgamation. This dovetails nicely with what Mike Cernovich is saying - the Revolution is just starting The Cucks are wholly unprepared for what is coming - Black Flag Warfare. Hopefully not literal violence, but the concept of fierce, total, NO QUARTER engagement. When pirates appropriated the black flag, it was already accepted to be a signal for No Quarter Taken or Granted. That is what is coming in the world political. No more "pinkies out" niceties, but conclusive, absolute confrontation. A public aroused will not be happy until there is lasting change. It may very well end in a fractured North America, and perhaps that is best, but there will be lasting changes.

Let the Rats Leave, but Mark Them Each One

Having heard for years that This election is the Most Importantest Eva! the hypocrisy of Republicans bailing on Trump is hilarious. I say let them all flee, but mark them, and never let them near you again. If it were just the simple choice of who has enough sense to keep us out of a war in Syria, probably with Russia, I don't give a tinker's damn who say bad words. As the younger generation says, ZFG. I'm not a Republican, so their self-destruction is their problem, but if Trump wins, as I expect he will, he will either clean house by 2018 with the help of the folks who elected him, or the Republicans will practically cease to exist. Trump could be walking zombie, and he would be elected over Hillary. The outrage, the hatred, the growing anger about a system that has failed generations has found a vessel for that vitriol. They don't care if he howls at the moon or dresses up like a furry. ZFG. So, The Trump should be quietly making a list of every individual wh...

Great News from the Alt-Tech World

Not to steal other folks hard-earned glory, but great things are coming. More details will follow soon, but there are millions, billions of humans who want to live free. The tools are coming to make that happen.