
Showing posts from August, 2014

Either Declare War - or Don't!

Lest someone thinks that I want to continue with the "police actions", Karl spells it out well Doesn't matter folks.  You either conduct a war as a war, not a police action,  or you don't go. We have to stop ****ing around, to be blunt.  We've made a hash of basically every foreign place we've gone for the last 50 years because we have forgotten that war is not a nice business and never can be made into one.  You either go into war with the premise that anything that looks like your enemy gets shot and blown up until whatever remains sues for peace  or you stay home. My previous post was made under the understanding that most recent presidents want to "Do Something", so my humble suggestion is either do something kinetic or just STFU. The posing is just weak and embarrassing. Think Zoolander.

Criminal Investigation as Terrorist Deterrent

I'll have to come up with a new tag to classify this level of clueless-ness. Pink Panther comes to mind, but because of trademarks - pink rabbit? Apparently the response from Team Obama to beheading folks is to open a criminal investigation. Doubtful that has deterrent value; sounds like just what these folks want - more attention.  I suggest instead that we snatch him up at a time of our operational convenience, and show this coward pissing himself when he is grabbed. Plan B would be video of the sniper round impact. I'll take either one.

Stupid Media Ideas Special - IS/IS doesn't care about your "Socal Justice" work

As the saying goes, "There is no helping stupid!". This is not about lacking intelligence, but rather about breathtakingly foolish arrogance in action. For most of human history it has been accepted that there are bad people, and if you know said people are dominant in a particular area, you don't go there. It is the kind of thing you teach your children; first by rote, and then later the reasoning behind why they were taught that simple lesson. We now have the media up in arms because said 'bad people' have beheaded one of their own. They are "shocked, appalled, horrified,etc". Really?  It's not like folks of this ilk haven't been demonstrating for a while just how retro they are when it comes to execution. No lethal injection or firing squad for these killers, they kick it old school. It is grieving to the soul to see a human executed to further a political/religious cause, but it is not new or different. It is arrogant to go cover events i...

Stupid Media Idea - "We trusted the police to keep it peaceful"

You have to dig a bit in these stories , but the quote from one of the store owners tells you everything you need to know about the underlying assumption. "There's no police," he said. "We trusted the police to keep it peaceful; they didn't do their job." Therein lies the heart of stupid. Note that the store owner is saying this "with a large black gun resting on his shoulder". Damn straight. Cops fill out reports, and call the coroner to haul bodies away. It is obviously a bad idea to expect them to stop a crime in progress. Better to prevent the crime attempt in the first place. Had a weekend coffee meeting with LB this morning, so choose this for my message of the day, and was bemused that some folks glanced at it, but didn't make any comments. I don't really want to meet strangers, but I do enjoy irritating spineless lefties. If one of them is foolish enough to open a tête-à-tête, I always have a bit of time to hammer on stupid. I...

Men versus males

This is something worthy more explication, but having a live demonstration of clueless male is just too priceless to allow it to pass without documenting it. I responded on the fly, and should clean the list up, but it is representative enough to merit revisiting. If you want standing among men, then contribute. Start a business, run a farm, ply a trade and bear yourself in such a fashion that you are worthy of respect - none of these requires you have a female in your life. BTW, that is a difference being an anatomical male and being a man.

Stupid Media Ideas

This was such a stunning display of idiocy, I decided that I should make this a regular feature upon which I can hold forth in short bursts for my own entertainment. "Can the US stop ISIS using airstrikes?" -CNN Short Answer - HELL NO! A better question, after spending far too much blood and treasure without ever committing to a viable plan for truly transforming the region (whether we should have ever tired is moot at this point) is "Why bother?" Since we have no stomach as a nation for what it would take to actually transform the region, we should extract key equipment where we can, demolish the rest, and extract totally. The only viable use of airpower in that context is to shield our forces and deny the enemy movement until we are clear. The empire is dissolving as we speak, and our troops are better home. If the Airdales were honest, they have been under-utilized in the killing and destruction department (Direct Attack) since we "wrapped...